This book is about Bhante Ñāṇadīpa, an incredible figure and, for many, the ideal forest monk. We might read about such people from centuries ago, like the Venerable Mahā Kassapa, in the ancient Buddhist texts, or read about the more recent famous Thai forest monks, such as the late Venerable Ajahn Mun Bhuridatta. His very remote forest dwellings (kuṭī) were basic, without a front wall. He was dedicated to living the forest life to the fullest. He was strict with himself; such was the discipline he chose, and he was not concerned if it was pleasing or distasteful to others. Nothing stopped him. He continued to dig ever deeper into the hindrances and defilements of his mind, his anger and fear, and aimed for the final realization of the Buddha’s Teaching. He carried on along the lonely and thorny path, despite the physical hardships and illnesses he endured, such as malaria and attacks from elephants and other wild animals. And despite being very close to death many times, he persevered, year after year, approaching and entering old age, indifferent to others’ praise or blame. Through it all, he always walked the straight path, never abandoning his resolve.
Impressed by Venerable’s practice, rare to see such monks who practice the Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma hope to read the book in the near future
When they had all come forth— Te ca sabbe abhikkante,
the gods with their Lord, and the Brahmās— sainde deve sabrahmake;
Māra’s army came forth too: Mārasenā abhikkāmi,
see the stupidity of the Dark Lord! passa kaṇhassa mandiyaṃ.